To be able to use JavaNNS, you have to have Java Runtime Environment (or JDK, which contains it) installed. JavaNNS has been tested to work with Java 1.3, Java 1.2.2 might also work, though problems with file management have been reported in certain environments.
JavaNNS for Windows platforms is distributed as the zip file, and as gzipped tar archive, like JavaNNS-LinuxIntel.tar.gz and JavaNNS-Solaris.tar.gz for other operating systems. Unzip (unpack) the file into a folder of your choice. You should get:
JavaNNS.jar - the Java archive file containing the JavaNNS user interface classes
examples - folder with example networks, patterns etc.
manual - folder containing this manual
JavaNNS needs the kernel library in order to work properly. If you run JavaNNS the first time on your machine a dialog will appear to ask you where to install the library.
JavaNNS then rememberes the location of the library by storing it in the file, which is generated and placed into your home directory (Personal in Windows terminology). If you which to change properties, use Properties editor in the JavaNNS View menu.
You can delete the library or the file any time you want. In that case the library installation dialog will appear the next time you start JavaNNS.
Running JavaNNS
That's all! Now you can start JavaNNS by typing:
java -jar JavaNNS.jar
from the command prompt or by clicking the JavaNNS.jar file from the graphical user interface.
Last change:
Igor Fischer, Thu May 16 14:13:36 2002 GMT Page 4: JavaNNS-manual-3.html
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