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MIT Press
659 pp., 290 illus.
September 2008

ISBN-10: 0-262-06271-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-262-06271-8 


Exercises: Supervised Learning Algorithms for Neural Networks


  • Lecture: "Biological and Artificial Neural Networks "


In this laboratory you will experiment with some supervised learning algorithms for Neural Networks (NN). The laboratory exercises are based on the Stuttgart Neural Networks Simulator (SNNS) in its Java implementation called JavaNNS.

You can download the JavaNNS executable and documentation at the SNNS homepage or from the local server as a zipped archive here.

From the local server you can download the SNNS User Manual, the JavaNNS User Manual, and access the JavaNNS user manual in html format.

Before starting the exercises explore the program features and read carefully the JavaNNS user manual. For the second part of the exercise you will need the data files from this zipped archive.


Instructions: NN_Exercise.pdf
Support materials: sleepdata.zip

created by claudio mattiussi, 2008